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UCLA and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) recently published a Nature paper: Creating designable quantum solids through layered hybrid superlattices
A method and application prospect for inserting atoms and molecules into the van der Waals gaps of layered two-dimensional atomic crystals to construct layered hybrid superlattices (LHSLs)
Nature University of Pennsylvania: Electrically driven long-range solid-state amorphization in ferroic In2Se3
Recently, Nature published online a research paper by Ritesh Agarwal of the University of Pennsylvania and Pavan Nukala of the Indian Institute of Science , titled " Electrically driven long-range solid-state amorphization in ferroic In 2 Se 3
Small: Chemical-physical synergistic assembly of MXene/CNT nanocoatings in silicone foam for reliable piezoresistive sensing in harsh environments
Robust MXene/CNT nanocoated PDMS foam sensors offer high sensitivity, stability across temperatures (-60-210°C), and fire resistance, advancing flexible sensor technology.